March 18, 2008

Cars, Carpets. and Sharing

Filed under: Economy — Tony @ 3:56 pm

I had lunch at “New Generations” with Rick who has been through it all with me. Food was great- thats my lunch you see above – and cheap-$5.99. NOTE THE CHEAP- GET SMART.
Rick is another corporate/development guy. We discussed what has hit us in the economy. Over sushi and green tea we both agreed their is nothing new under the sun of the market place of marketing. We have been through recessions. But we both agreed this one is different.

Rick talked about consumer confidence- and personally cutting back and I dusted off my thoughts on capitalism and the marketplace. Then we left splitting the bill and looking at the storm clouds. He has a family and a mortgage and I have a uncertain future. We parted with a guy thing a handshake and a recognition this event is a solar eclipse in the making. It seems greed was going to come to roost.

I love Rick. He is what Australians and South Africans call a genuine mate. A genuine friend He sticks by you. New Generations with Rick was a classic. He was supportive with no BS. As we left it was a classic between us. I headed for my bike and he headed for his beloved beamer. He loves his ” BMW” and me well I am recent bike lover and not so recent tree hugger- I love my bike.
PS He has not a clue about ‘carbon footprint” 🙂

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